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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kabocha Squash, Zucchini, Eggplant hash

kabocha squash zucchini eggplant hash with salsa fresca

I had just a small bit of Kabocha squash left over after the pan-roasted Kabocha and Orzo in Creamy Kabocha Squash Sauce. And, I had super large zucchini from the farm, plus some eggplant to use up.

The combination of the three seemed to suggest some sort of vegetable pot-pie, ratatouille, vegetable curry or vegetable hash. The latter sounded interesting so I decided to make it for a Sunday morning brunch.

The idea is much like the regular potato hash - simply grate the veggies, par-cook them, then make a mixture with some binding agents so that it can be shaped into patties and pan-fry. Serve warm with Salsa Fresca or Cuban Mojo or Hot Cilantro Mojo. I went with simple salsa fresca.

1 cup grated Kabocha Squash
2 cups grated Zucchini (skin peeled before grating)
1 cup grated Eggplant (skin peeled before grating)
1 medium leek, washed, cleaned of outer leaves and grit, chopped finely
¼ cup canned kidney beans, mashed
½ cup instant mashed potatoes powder (dry potato powder), more or less, as needed
½ cup grated cheddar cheese (optional)
1-2 Tbsp corn starch, more or less
1 tsp nutmeg powder(less, if nutmeg is not a favorite)
1 egg, beaten
salt to taste
4-6 Tbsp oil for browning the hash on the pan

  1. Squeeze the grated zucchini to remove as much moisture as possible, same with eggplant
  2. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a pan, add the grated veggies, mashed kidney beans, leeks, salt and spices; sauté till veggies are cooked but not mushy and all the water is gone
  3. Allow the mixture to cool a bit; mix in the cheddar; then add dry potato powder a little at a time to form a sort of loose dough; add cornstarch and the beaten egg for binding; cover and chill in the fridge for about 30-40 minutes
  4. Heat a little oil at a time in the pan, form the dough into patties and pan fry the patties on both sides till desired done-ness
  5. Serve warm with Salsa Fresca - tomatoes, bell peppers, jalapeño, onion, cucumber, lime juice, cilantro, salt, a touch of olive oil

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  • At 4:36 AM, Anonymous ויטמינים said…

    No way ... my mom used to do it when i was young

  • At 4:19 PM, Blogger Anna the Intern said…

    I'm sorry I couldn't find an email on your website but I'm the one who asked about using a recipe on our CSA website. This is the one I wanted to use, I'd cite you and your blog. My email is if you want to discuss this more on email. If I don't here back in the next couple days, we'll just feature another blog, no problem.


  • At 9:08 AM, Blogger Sheela said…

    HI Anna,
    Sorry it wasn't easy to find the email link. I've sent you an email - check for it in case Spam filter got it first.


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