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Monday, July 08, 2013

Carrots Poppy Seeds Flax Bran Muffins

These quick and easy Carrots and Poppy seed muffins make a wonderful breakfast or even an afternoon snack for kids. Especially when baked in a square muffin pan or mini loaf pans.

I vary the ingredients a bit every once in a while - like, add grated zucchini from the garden instead of or in addition to carrots; add some finely chopped rhubarb with the carrots; toss in some chopped dried prunes and some walnuts... the basic muffin recipe remains pretty much the same. (Depending on how many over-ripe bananas I add, I lessen the amount of canola oil.)

¾ cup finely grated carrots, squeezed dry
1 over-ripe banana
¼ cup flax meal
¼ cup wheat bran
1½ cups unbleached white flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 Tbsp poppy seeds
¼ tsp salt
½ tsp pumpkin spice (cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, allspice)
½ cup brown sugar
1 egg
¾ cup canola oil


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 350° F
  2. Combine the ingredients to make a thick batter
  3. Grease muffin pan and bake in 350°F oven for about 20 to 25 minutes, checking often after 15 minutes

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