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Friday, February 01, 2013

Sweet Potatoes & Green Bell Peppers with Long Pepper (Pippali) and Vinegar

sweet potatoes green bell pepper long pepper pippali

Bell peppers, especially green bell peppers, seem to pair so well with mushrooms, eggplant, and summer squashes that I have come to take them for granted. Green bell peppers go well with sweet potatoes as I've come to appreciate in the last few years, especially in this dish which is quick to put together and can be served warm or cold.

Chunky-diced red onions, green bell peppers, and sweet potatoes come together for this mildly flavored side-dish which can be served as a warm salad. Or chilled and served over a bed of lettuce as a salad-meal.

To save time, I cook the peeled and diced sweet potatoes in the microwave - a few tablespoons of water, covered, and cooked till done - firm but not mushy - takes about 4 minutes on high power in mine.

Meanwhile, sauté the onions and green bell peppers (I also used some jalapenos, seeded) in some olive oil with a pinch of salt and turmeric powder.

Stir in the cooked sweet potatoes, stir well over high heat, allowing a few belle peppers to get that deep brown charred flavor. Then, splash a bit of Bragg™ Liquid Aminos (or, apple cider vinegar), sprinkle some freshly ground long pepper, and serve warm.

Bragg™ Liquid Aminos or Apple cider wine vinegar
1 tsp crushed or ground long pepper (pippali) (or, black/green pepper, or red pepper flakes)
½ tsp urmeric powder
salt to taste
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 each of jalapeño, green bell pepper, sweet potato, plus about half a small red onion, all diced

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