
Saturday, June 06, 2009

Home-garden Radish Tops Dal


We harvested the white radishes from our garden. I didn't have the heart to throw away the radish tops/greens, so, decided to make a soupy dal out of it.

These are fairly bitter greens, so, adjust flavors to taste - I added lemon juice and brown sugar to balance and round out the bitterness, and some tomatoes. Plus, Ras al Hanout was handy, so, I added a generous amount of it to give this dal a unique flavor.

The dal recipe is not very different from my Kohlrabi dal recipe, except, I was low on moong dal, so, I used just a cup of dal for about 6 cups of chopped radish greens.



  1. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Dear sheela,

    Reading your food blog wants me to move next doors. Me and hubby have selective tastes(read picky eaters) and I do not experiment with flavours or receipe. Your receipes (every one of them)makes me curious to taste them.

    BTW, there is a house for sale near my home. Are you ready to move ; )?


  2. HI CS, that's funny - i was hoping you would move next to me :) But, i know what you mean about picky eaters - and I lucked out in that D has a wide variety of tastes and is willing to give it a try - can't say that for myself :)

  3. great work in your garden Sheela, and I need not to mention the top quality taste of the veggies/fruits which comes from our own gardens, that is something extra, right?

    and good idea of using the radish greens in the dhal, looks scrumptious!
