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Friday, June 08, 2007

Taro root: grated and pan-fried


Taro root, while not quite the substitute for potatoes, usually lends itself to be cooked up like potatoes. This is a very simple recipe, similar to my old Chaembu recipe, but, this time I decided to grate it, just like for hashbrowns. Except, I wanted it rather flaky and crispy all over, not lumped inside and crispy outside like hashbrowns ...

Ingredients: taro root, salt, chili powder; tempering: 1-2 Tbsp oil, 1 tsp mustard seeds, 1 tsp cumin seeds

Peel the skin and grate the taro root. Heat oil in a pan, add the tempering - when mustard seeds pop, add the cumin seeds, then add the grated taro root and toss it around to coat in oil well. I usually don't add any water as it tends to clump up. Add salt and chili powder. Keep stirring like for scrambled eggs over medium high heat till taro root is cooked and crisped. Serve warm with rasam and rice.

This Taro root, grated and pan-fried, is my 'T' dish for lovely Nupur's A to Z of Indian Vegetables event.

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  • At 9:14 AM, Blogger Nupur said…

    It is golden and crispy and oh so tempting! Thanks for a great entry.


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