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Friday, February 11, 2011

Brussel Sprouts in Spicy Coconut Cream Sauce

Brussel Sprouts in Spicy Coconut Cream Sauce

Ages ago, as a grad student, I remember how surprised my dear friend was when I offered her home-made Brussels Sprouts Sambar for the first time in her life. Being used to Sambars and Brussels sprouts on their own, it was the combination that threw her off I think. She loved it. And so did I.

However, one of my favorite ways of enjoying Brussels sprouts is the slit-and-stuff and pan-cook method. Almost anything tastes good this way, even bitter gourd.

Here, the Brussels sprouts are cooked in a creamy sauce with coconut milk and Indian spices. As always, adjust spices to taste.

about 10-12 Brussels Sprouts, trimmed and halved
8 oz light coconut milk (more if preferred)
salt to taste
1 tsp brown sugar
1 Tbsp canola oil

½ tsp turmeric

for the spice mix:
3-4 dry red chilies, toasted and crushed
1 tsp toasted black sesame seed powder*
1 Tbsp black peppercorn, crushed
1 Tbsp coriander powder
1 Tbsp cumin powder

(* Just toast some black sesame seeds, powder it and store it in an airtight container)

  1. Heat oil in a pan, a add the Brussels sprouts, turmeric, some salt, sauté a bit
  2. Add the spices, a cup of water, cover and allow to cook for a few minutes till soft but not mushy
  3. Stir in the coconut milk and brown sugar, adjust flavors to taste, simmer a little longer; off-heat garnish with cilantro and spring onions

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  • At 4:36 PM, Blogger Kay said…

    I just got brussel sprouts from the store, so I guess I'll try this recipe during this week, Sheela!

    I usually bake it @450 for 15 mins or so. I'm looking forward to try this in a curry.

  • At 8:34 AM, Blogger ambs said…

    Beautiful blog! Please also visit my blog :


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