
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

gulai telur

easy recipe sumatran malaysian spicy hard boiled eggs curry gulai telor telur

Gulai Telur (Telor) is a fiery, spicy SE Asian hard-boiled egg curry. Many SE Asian dishes like Pad Thai, Sambal Terong, Telor Balado were introduced to me by friends and fellow residents at the International House back in my student days over a decade ago. Friday evenings we used to meet for the Coffee Hour, where International students shared food and culture information.

I have adapted the recipes to my taste over the years, so my version is not authentic in that sense.

It seems to me that the longer the eggs steep in the gravy/curry, the tastier they get, so, I like to make this dish a day ahead and warm it up gently before serving. Dry red or fresh green chilies can be used here. Adjust the number or type of chilies to cut back on heat.

for the spice paste:
½ cup coriander seeds, toasted
¼ cup dry grated coconut
6-8 thai dragon or bird's eye chilies*
2 Tbsp grated ginger
2-3 cloves of garlic, chopped
2 shallots, diced
cilantro for garnish
*reserve a couple of chilies for garnish

6-8 hard boiled eggs, shelled
1 cup coconut milk
2 Tbsp canola oil
1 tsp turmeric powder
salt to taste


combine the spice paste ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend to a fine paste

heat oil in a pan, add the spice paste and sauté for a few minutes to release the aroma

add the boiled eggs, coconut milk, turmeric powder and salt to taste; bring to a gentle simmer

simmer till flavors meld, say for about 10-12 minutes on medium-low, stirring often; add water if the gravy/curry is too thick

garnish with red or green chilies and cilantro, serve warm with rice or roti

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Wow! I've gotta try that. じ
